Stoney Point Trial Update - Apr 17 / 97


Stoney Point First Nation #43 -- Aazhoodenaang Enjibaajig

For Immediate Release - Thursday, April 17, 1997

posted by Anti-Racist Action Toronto

Sarnia Provincial court heard testimony from April 1-16 in the trial of OPP Acting Sgt. Kenneth Deane charged with criminal negligence in the murder of Anthony O'Brien "Dudley" George. On Friday, April 18, Judge Hugh L. Fraser will hear closing summations from crown prosecutor Ian Scott and defense lawyer Norman Peel.

While Deane's main defence has been to try to portray Dudley as a "sniper", the Stoney Pointers have witnessed a series of orchestrated events. Prior to the trial, a local radio station announced that Deane had to shoot a "sniper".

Then in Kettle Point, the police chief's brother Matt Bressette and his "Liberation Movement", staged a takeover of the adminstration offices and on April 1, papers were promptly served on certain Stoney Pointers even though they were not responsible for the band office takeover.

When Deane's trial began on April 1, the local media reported the takeover with pictures of masked warriors outfitted in camouflage clothing and a vehicle parked in front of the administration building--much the same tactic Ovide Mercredi used after Dudley's funeral in September 1995. He promptly left Stoney Point, travelled to Kettle Point, and staged an interview in front of the "Kettle & Stony Point" band office.

During the first week of Deane's trial, Stoney Pointers--who still do not have telephones in their community--received word the charge of criminal negligence may have to be withdrawn against Deane because the witnesses were not showing up. One witness working near Detroit was told not to be in court until the second week. Then during the first week he was reported to have not shown up to testify. Frantically, a message was delivered to him so that he was able to give his testimony on the Friday. This was all the more puzzling because other witnesses had been lined up and were waiting in the lobby outside the courtroom--they had taken time from work and spent the week waiting to be called in to testify but never were.

Meanwhile another witness was promptly arrested after testifying. The local media further villified and criminalized this person who had just been released from hospital. While not interviewing the person directly, the Mackenzie Insititute's hate propaganda was relied upon to discredit this person and cast doubt against the whole case by emphasizing that this person was a known arms dealer.

Also, Glen Kealey paid a timely visit on April 5 to Aazhoodena Territory, coming from Gustafsen Lake, BC. He then spoke in Toronto at Swansea Hall on April 6.

Another secret government document was revealed in the media on the last day of the Stoney Point trial ending on Thursday March 27. This document contradicted previous OPP testimony resulting in the trial being adjourned until May 6. Premier Mike Harris responded by returning to his original September '95 justification for the use of force by emphasizing that "laws were being broken and that they, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) simply wanted their park back"--thus attempting to recriminalize the Stoney Point People for defending their sacred ceremonial grounds.

Another upcoming Stoney Point trial deals with the vehicle driven during the September 6, 1995 controntation. Discusssion of this case was prohibited during the March 24 Stoney Point trial but was allowed during Deane's trial. An OPP officer claimed to witness a firearm or a barrel shaped weapon protruding out of the car and this was sensationalized in the local media.

During the last day of testimony, Dr. Spitz, who had experience with the investigation of the Kennedy assassination and many other high profile cases, was brought in and testified that Dudley would have to crouch in order to receive the type of mortal wound he received and then turn around to receive the wound on the leg but only if he was shot at from the front--thus proving that he was indeed a "sniper"?!! That Dudley may have been crouched because of another bullet wound on his leg was not even considered by this so-called expert nor were the leg wound and pants fully examined by London pathologist Dr. Shkrum.

Many of the other charges yet to be heard relate to the September 6, 1995 confrontation when the police attacked the unarmed men, women, and children at Stoney Point resulting in the murder of Anthony O'Brien "Dudley" George.



For more information contact:
Marcia Simon
RR #1, Forest, Ont., Canada N0N 1J0
Phone: (519) 786-4052
Fax: (519) 786-6642

The ultimate Stoney Pointer, Dudley, he took a mortal blow!
Threatened and murdered now a sniper trickster they attempt to show
Kenneth Deane justified even though forensic tests show
His bullet entered causing Stoney Pointer blood to flow!

Stoney Point--worth dying for--Dudley always let us know!

- Marcia F. Simon
Anti-Racist Action (Toronto)
P.O. Box 291, Station B, Toronto, Ont. Canada M5T 2T2
by phone: (416) 631-8835

In Toronto, tune into to "Radio Antifa", every other Monday night on CKLN 88.1 FM, the radio show that has the Heritage Front fuming!

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