Letter to Law Society re-Confederated Native Court Judgement Brian Ralph and Colleagues
The Law Society of British Columbia
845 Cambie Street
Vancouver B.C.

February 21, 1997


On behalf of the signatories of the Confederated Native Court Judgement, a copy of which is being delivered to your office today, I must inform you that we Traditionalists are no longer willing to tolerate the abuse and denial of the Rule of Law currently being perpetrated by your Newcomer courts and governments within our unceded territories.

We urge you to take action now to cease your participation in the fraudulent usurpation of our Jurisdiction. The dictates of your own Constitutional law demands that you do so: As stated in the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which was ratified recently in the Constitutional Act of 1982:

"...it is just and reasonable and essential to our interests and the Security of our Colonies that the several Nations or Tribes of Indians with whom We are connected and who live under our protection should not be molested or disturbed in the possession of such Parts of Our Dominions and Territories as not having been ceded to or purchased by Us are reserved for them or any of them as their Hunting Grounds. "
You may not be aware, gentlemen, that the findings of The Law Society of Upper Canada Convocation, June 19,1996, in the matter of complaints against Dr. Bruce Clark, supported Dr. Clark's allegations of genocide, stating that:
"The `genocide' of which Dr. Clark speaks is real and has very nearly succeeded in destroying the Native Canadian community that flourished here when European settlers arrived. No one who has seen many of our modern First Nations communities can remain untouched by this reality."
Reviewers Clayton Ruby and Gavin Mackenzie went on to express sympathy for Dr. Clark in that in attempting to present his Constitutional arguments in court on forty or forty-one separate occasions, in every case the presiding judge refused to hear it.

It must not be unknown to you that, according to the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 1948:

Article IV. Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article III shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally rulers, public officials or private individuals.
Please consider the words that we have presented to you with the care and attention that they demand.


Flo Sampson, Secwepmc
Bill Lightbown, Kootenai
Lavina White, Haida
Lahalus (Loretta Pascal), Lil'wat
Tsemhuqw (Harold Pascal), Lil'wat
Marlene Clarke, Ntl'Kepemec
Arnold Williams, Nak'sten
Tanapsuch, Lil'wat
Dena Zena, Lil'wat
Doug Dan
Stuart Dick, Secwepmc
Splitting the Sky, John Hill
Sandra Bruderer
Valerie Van Clieaf
Michelle Fournasier
Margaret Clark
Rev. Joshua JD Lemmens

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