Strong Hearts #3: Index


Issue #3

'Zine by Rod Coronado, Indigenous Prisoner of War

Copies of Strong Hearts, and additional information on Rod Coronado, are available from:
Rod Coronado Support Committee
3245 E. Patricia
Tucson, AZ
USA 85716
Also check out the Animal Liberation Frontline Information Service page on Rod, at

Welcome to Strong Hearts #3 patient friends and fellow warriors! Spring and Summer has come and almost gone with little change or hope of it in my imprisonment. Of course, this just means you'll be enjoying a few more installments of this jailhouse 'zine before production is interrupted by that gathering light at the end of the tunnel, freedom!

As always I owe many thanks to the people who have written to express and offer their support but have yet to receive a reply from me. Please accept my sincerest apologies, its not that I don't appreciate every letter, it's just that now that I'm entering my second of imprisonment I have developed a routine that allows me less time to do the things I really enjoy, like responding to your wonderful letters.

To those who thought I was only an animal liberator or an Earth First!er or indigenous traditionalist, let me explain. My love and devotion whether it be for free-roaming bison and wild horses, the Amazonian or Cascadian rainforests, or Yaqui, Mayan, Celtic and Incan descendant traditional peoples is all the same, one in the same. I am a lover of all things wild and free. And the struggles of anyone human or nonhuman to be free shall always receive my total and unconditional support.

Though sometimes our struggles require action that others might consider violent, we must always remember that self-defense is a biological reaction found in almost every animal.

Recently I had the good fortune to read a book where a Latin American priest was quoted saying that violence had three separate tiers. There was first the violence of injustice, which brought about the second tier, the violence of self-defensive response, which in turn brought about the third and final tier, the institutional violence that we commonly see today in places like Mexico, Peru and Northern Ireland.

His point was that you cannot eliminate either the second or third tiers of violence without first removing the violence of injustice. If there is anything that I am committed to it's my opposition to this form of violence. Whether it be committed against humans or animals, the violence of injustice is the basic tool of our common oppressor who collectively across the earth is attempting to destroy all of us who desire to be free. Not free to choose once every four years one of two rich white males that will be our leaders, but freedom to pursue a way of life that recognizes the inherent worth of all life we share the planet with.

We're all in this together, and unless we can agree to afford each other some basic human rights and nonhuman rights, I predict we're going to see a lot more violence of all kinds. Goddess and Gods help us all. If you are reading Strong Hearts only for the animal liberation bits, cool.

But please try to read the other articles too. And no matter what you might think about the IRA, MRTA, EZLN or humans in general, try to keep an open mind and heart and remember we're all animals trying to survive the madness of our day. You need not support these struggles, but I hope with the help of Strong Hearts you'll at least understand them, and hopefully empathize with them. If we all could only do this with the oppressed of the world, oh what a happy place this would be! With that I leave you. Enjoy my friends and comrades, Our Day Will Come!


* Why I support the IRA
* Irish Political Prisoners in Britain
* Bison, brucellosis, and bullshit
* MRTA massacre update
* Wild horse update
* Lynx update
* Mink tracks

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